I feel like God has led me to this piece of scripture tonight and I just want to share it all with you. It’s an awesome verse. He has set each and every one of us apart for a high purpose. He knows our strengths, weaknesses, potential and personalities more than we know it ourselves. He has great plans for each of us and our job is to discover it and walk it. Sometimes I find myself questioning what I’m doing and where I’m going in life. It’s a helpless feeling that is not enjoyed. Instead of questioning I need to find rest in Him. He will help me get where I’m going..I wasn’t created to be strong enough to do it alone.
I’m just out of my first wave of exams in Graduate school. Entering these exams I experienced quite a bit of anxiety. I felt unprepared and frustrated. I was on edge and even snapped a few times at fellow classmates. (Sorry guys!) Thank God I know they love me. I knew my peers shared the some of the same feelings. I overheard several of them saying things along the lines (I give up. I’m going to fail out. So much for audiology. Etc.) Many of us were questioning audiology as our future. Yes we are overdramatic first years, but I hear that’s normal. Haha However, after receiving two tests back I’m happy to report that I made A’s on both. So how come I felt so unprepared? I had little faith in myself. I was doubtful and questioned God’s plans for me.
God has created each of us with specific purpose and when we discover this we will feel a sense of purpose and become confident. I’m still struggling/working on this but I think I’m on the right track. I’m not going to fail out, I can do this. I know in my heart at this point in my life this is what I’m supposed to be working towards. It’s not always going to be smooth sailing but it’ll all work out in the end.
If you’re feeling like you’re headed in the wrong direction or at a standstill in your life I assure you it is ok. It’s not too late to get up and walk in the path God has intended for you. You won’t strike out at 3 chances God is the God of even the millionth chance :)
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