Luke 9:23 has been pressing on my heart lately. In this verse, Jesus extends an invitation to
follow him.
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and
take up their cross daily and follow me.”
This means I must empty myself of me and fill myself with
the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament,
God is with us but, in the New Testament, God is in us.
“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am
going away. Unless I go away, the
Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will end him to you.” (John 16:7)
Jesus had to leave this Earth so that God could be in us.
And now the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in
us. How amazing is that?!
Jesus tells us to take up our cross daily and follow
him. The cross was a symbol of
humiliation, suffering and death. By
agreeing to take up our cross we are agreeing to die daily. Each day I must die to myself so that I can
be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit is what gives me strength to get through each and every day.
To me dying daily sounds like torture. So, for me dying daily is running at sunrise
and spending time with God before, during and after my run. Running is not a favorite past time for
me. It takes effort that I don’t always
want to put forth. I like to stay in
shape but I’d much rather attend a group exercise class or work on strength
training. Alone I wouldn’t be able to
get up each morning and run…I wouldn’t run more than 1 mile for myself but for
Him I’d run an endless distance. This is
how I empty myself of me each day..I run.
Truthfully at the end of most of my runs I’m absolutely exhausted—my
muscles ache but it’s worth it. It’s
worth it, because as I experience exhaustion I also feel relaxed and free. Free to start my day filled with God in me
:) I wouldn’t be able to do this without
This was in my devotional the morning after my first run.
God’s word for you today:
Your worst day with God will be better than your best day without
Him. The Holy Spirit is here to speak to
you and help you in every way you need help today.
I wasn’t expecting this at all but it couldn’t have been
more perfect :) Moments like these
increase my faith exponentially.
My runs are getting easier and definitely more enjoyable
than when I first started. I’ve also
noticed that I’m genuinely in a better mood each day I run. It is so uplifting.. I now understand that
dying to myself is the secret to really living.
Through death, the cross that represented guilt, condemnation,
suffering, and death now represents grace, freedom, hope, and life.
My prayer is that we will take up our cross and die daily. I believe it’s the only way to really follow
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