Lately in class, I’ve been feeling like a fish out of
water. I just don’t understand
neuroscience..Im convinced my brain just doesn’t work that way. I failed my first test last week scoring a
whopping 65. For someone like myself
with a Type A personality, this is very stressful. I don’t think I’ve failed a test before well
besides the zero I took on a test in Intro to Rock music sophomore year. No worries, I overslept and missed the test…I
actually do know a bit about rock music but we can talk Nirvana, Elvis, and
Metallica some other time. I’m pretty
sure all of my classmates with the exception of 1 or 2 are Type A people as
well. We all strive to do well, and have
done well, or we wouldn’t be in this program in the first place. Even though we’re repeatedly told that GPAs
no longer matter we all want A’s. B’s
disappoint us, C’s make us anxious, and D’s and F’s…well that’s a stomach ulcer
and a punch to the gut all at the same time.
So you can imagine how I felt when I saw that 65 after studying so hard…like
a failure. A fish out of water trying to
Today while studying, I was reminded that a failure is an
event, never a person. This is so
true. To be a failure as a person I’d
have to define myself by my performances and that is not want I want to
do. God accepts me not because I score
perfectly on all of my tests but because I’m in need of Him.
(Matthew 5:3) Even though I complain about it
often, I strangely like this class because it is a constant reminder that I am
not perfect and that is more than ok. I
don’t have to be perfect. This class is
just a season…not even a season…more like a week of bad weather in my life and
it shall pass. By the grace of God I know I’ll get through it :) Now I’m going to dive back into the brain…wish
me luck! 18 more days until this insanity
On another positive note my birthday is in 8 days!! It’s not
like I’ll be doing anything super exciting with all of this brain stuff on my
plate but I’ll take the time to enjoy a cupcake :)
I’m going to be an awesome neurosurgeon one day..Ha JOKE
Ugh. That's the one part of college that I don't miss - tests! Believe it or not, I miss studying and homework and tests.....I'm a dork.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for an award. Stop by my page to pick it up :)
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