Hey friends! Yesterday’s run went as well as expected. My knees are doing better but I could feel
them tightening up around mile 2. I
stopped each time they hurt and stretched my IT band. That seemed to help. I’m going to start gradually increasing my miles
again but I’ll be taking a lot of stretch breaks and my new foam roller will be
my new best friend hahah ok now to the part you all care about...
Some of my favorite Disney memories |
I’ve decided to do another
contest and this time I’m giving away 2 Disney tickets! I’m blessed to have a job that provides me
with several tickets each year and last year several went to waste. In effort to keep that from happening again
I’ve decided to spread the magic to my blog readers :) My friends and family love Disney but they
can only come so much. So the rules are
the same as they were for the Starbucks give away, all you have to do is
comment for a chance to win :) I know my
comment section doesn’t always work on my blog so if it won’t go through you
can comment on the facebook or twitter link you got this from. But please do that as a last resort because
it’ll make it more difficult for me to collect the names of all who have
commented and I don’t want to leave anyone out by mistake! Let’s keep it positive and tell me your
favorite Disney memory, why you want to go, or just something you’re thankful
for right now (doesn’t have to be Disney related).
The tickets can be used at Disney World, Disneyland, CA,
Hong Kong Disney, Disneyland Paris…so my international readers can comment too!
Keep in mind the new Fantasyland in Disney World opens up
Dec 6 so these would be perfect tickets for a chance to see that. And all of my runDisney friends you can use
them for post race :D I can’t wait to
hang out with all of you…I’ve got to try my first Dole Whip hahaha
Other reasons to visit Disney:
Food and Wine Festival (my favorite)
Christmas Decorations
The Osbornes light show
Spring and Garden Festival
Mickey Supreme Bars
Happy people everywhere
Fine Print Details: They expire 6/13/13 so they must be used
before then! Please only enter the
contest if you’re certain you’ll be able to use them by that date. Also,
please do NOT sale them for any reason.
If you can’t use them, give them back to me :) Mickey Mouse gives them to me for free so I’m
not selling them and I don’t want you to either. Also,
be sure to say hi to Minnie Mouse during your visit…she wants to give you a hug
Halloween in Disney World! |
Contest goes until Friday 9/21/12 and winner will be
announced Saturday 9/22/12 so come back and check my blog then. The winner
will have 24 hrs to claim the tickets before they are forfeited to the next
I hope you all have a magical week!
.•:*¨¨*:•.Samantha.•:*¨¨*:•. ºoº