All clean before the race |
This is a few weeks late but I wanted to share a Color Me
Rad recap. I’ve gotten a lot of
comments/questions on the race so here’s my opinion. LOVED it!! My roommate and I got up at 5:30am to drive
to this race in Jacksonville, FL and it was so worth it. Kelsey grumbled the entire way there about me
making her get up so early to run this race.
However, at the end of the day she was thanking me for making her
go. I think she was even more excited
than I was right before the race. I’ve
never seen her so giddy about something ever…especially running..she’s not
usually a fan. We got there 2 hours
before race because we were told that we had to pick up race packets the day
before but we were unable to do so. I
was worried they wouldn’t allow us to get set up without going the day before
so I emailed and they first called me a procrastinator and then said yes we could
still go just get there super early so we did :) We were actually first in line at the
registration table. The volunteers were
super helpful and got us everything we needed: bib number, RAD tattoo,
Sunglasses, and the best part: dyed cornstarch (ammunition). After registration we waited around and tried
to avoid all of the people who were ripping into their color before race start
(this really annoyed Kels) We didn’t want
to get colored before it was time.
Looking back at our before pics I think we were pretty successful at
staying clean haha The race itself was a lot of fun, it was my first experience
running in a forest. What a work out..I’m
so used to streets and sidewalks. At
every 1K, you’re attacked with color my advise is to not breath as much during
this part especially through all of the powder.
Run on the outsides for more color and the inside for less.

I also liked the laid back atmosphere of the
race. It isn’t timed, everyone is just
out there to get colored and have a good time.
The announcer even said over a megaphone at the start of the race “
if anyone comes up to me
after the race asking for their time or what place they finished I’ll punch you
in the face. This is for fun people! So you there at the front, jockeying for
position, knock it off! You however sir, yes you in the tutu, you win” hahah If you can’t tell from their website it’s a
super sarcastic race, if you don’t like that, this is NOT a race for you. You’ll probably just leave feeling like it’s
the most unorganized, obnoxious races.
After the race, everyone gathered together and threw color around…we all
left looking like aliens. It took 4
showers to get all of the color off and sometimes I still think I have some in
my ear. Surprisingly, after only 2
washes most of the color came out of my white shirt. It still has a slight hint of pink in some
places but for the most part its restored.
I really wasn’t expecting that.
looking forward to doing another color run the day after the half marathon in
Dec. It’ll be a nice recovery run. Just waiting on the registration to open
:) So in short I’m a fan of COLOR ME
Seven months ago I never thought I'd say this but I'm loving running :)
Here are some pictures and possibly a video (if
I can get it to work)
One of my favorite shots. Definitely captures the race. |
I wanted to say thanks for sharing I am Second with your audience. I work with the organization as a writer and small groups coach. I wanted to let you know that I have a book coming out December 9 called Live Second: 365 Ways to Make Jesus First. The book contains 365 daily readings and prayers meant to inspire people to consider what life might look like if Jesus were First. I am organizing a Week-of-Second Blogging Campaign for bloggers like yourself who are fans of I am Second.
Week-of-Second Blogging Campaign:
1. Bloggers get a free e-version of Live Second: 365 Ways to Make Jesus First
(there is no obligation past this point to either give a positive review or to do the campaign)
2. You select 4 readings within Session 2 of the book to write about
3. During Launch Week, December 9-15, you write four (4) blog entries telling the story of your spiritual journey as you read and interact with the Live Second book and the four readings you choose.
4. Send me a link to your blog and after launch week, I'll write up a list of everyone who took part in the campaign and share that list with the I am Second community which involves about .5 million social media followers (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
If this sounds like something you would like to be involved in, I would love to send you a copy of the book. Just email back at launch@iamsecond.com
Doug Bender
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